Emergency preparedness from a Counterintelligence Agent

Check Out the Desert Warrior Harley SHTF Motorcycle

Prepping shouldn’t be just something you do outside of your normal life. You should try to combine it with the rest of your life as well. To give you an idea what I’m talking about, here’s how I set up my EDC gear on my Harley.

Ford F-series 4×4 as a bugout vehicle

Ever considered a pickup truck as a bugout vehicle? Here’s a breakdown of what to look for and an example of one.

What do you need in your car survival kit?

To give yourself the best chance at surviving winter, you need to have a survival kit. Here’s what you should keep close if you want to make it through those long nights

What survival/prepper books would you have in your SHTF library?

If you were sticking it out alone after SHTF or trying to help rebuild a small society, what would be in your SHTF library? Will the books you have currently be all that useful?

Why you shouldn’t bury shipping containers for bunkers

There’s a lot more that you have to consider if you’re thinking about burying a shipping container to be used as a bunker. They’re not designed for that and you could end up being crushed if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Everyday carry (EDC) gear – what I carry

So what do you really need to carry every day? How do you figure out what should go on your EDC gear list? Here’s what Graywolf from Graywolf Survival carries and why, as well as some suggestions on how to plan your EDC kit.

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