Emergency preparedness from a Counterintelligence Agent

Prepping supplies and gear

A good bit of what you need to know is about what prepping gear and supplies you should buy and which are the best. However, it's not just what kind of prepping gear to buy, but also how to use it. Even better is how to make things that will help your prepping with things that you can find around your house or in the nearby trash. This is what this category is all about - Prepping gear; how it's made, how it works, and how good it is.

Surviving Doomsday: A prepper book review

As any good prepper, or normal adult should do, I spend a great deal of time reading. Sometimes I read physics books (yes, I like that stuff), sometimes philosophy books, sometimes Special Forces or CIA operations books and sometimes fantasy books. Those books I read for fun, to get my mind off things and escape […]

Graywolf Survival Level IIIa EnGarde body armor giveaway (ENDED)

A random winner will be chosen after all entries are tallied up Contest has ended. EnGarde Level III-a plus body armor giveaway Congratulations to Drew Mitchell. I’ll be having more giveaways soon. If you’ve read my article on whether preppers should have body armor, you know my thoughts on the subject. How would you like […]

A simple way to make your own char cloth

How does char cloth work and how do you make it? As we saw in the article on How to Build a Fire, there are a few key components to make a fire, and all of them have to work or you’ll be cold and getting angry stares from your shivering girlfriend. Or worse, you […]

How to make your own DIY hand pump

PVC hand pumps explained Obviously, water is one of the biggest considerations if things go South. You can only go about three days without water before you die and for some reason the books that tell you that don’t emphasize the fact that you’re more likely to die well before that because your brain stops […]

What you need in your bug out bag – a comprehensive look

A bug out bag is critical but what do you put in it? When considering disaster preparedness, keep in mind that what survival gear and emergency supplies you add to your bug out bag and then pack for your survival kit can mean the difference between life and death, or at least affect your level of comfort if SHTF and you had to get outta dodge. Read this article to find out what you should consider putting in your bug out bag.

Check Out the Desert Warrior Harley SHTF Motorcycle

Prepping shouldn’t be just something you do outside of your normal life. You should try to combine it with the rest of your life as well. To give you an idea what I’m talking about, here’s how I set up my EDC gear on my Harley.

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