Emergency preparedness from a Counterintelligence Agent

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What I learned about prepper planning from the Army: PACE

Preppers plan. At least, they should. But do you know how to plan properly? Being a prepper means you prepare but proper planning involves more than just buying prepper gear or learning survival skills.

Preppers and journalism: My interview with NYTimes reporter Alan Feuer

The TV show Doomsday Preppers has been a double-edged swords for the prepping community. On one hand it’s put emergency preparations on the mind of millions of more people around the world but due to TV ratings and trying to get viewers, they sensationalized a few wackos and made some of the normal preppers look like they’re crazy.

Use double duty prepper gear to save weight and space

When you’re deciding on the stuff that goes on your prepper gear bugout bag list, you should do more than just make sure you have all the bases covered. You should try to overlap the problems that they solve.

Rethinking the best home defense weapons: a look at the .22

To defend your home, you need to be able to stop an attacker. In order to stop him, you need to hit him or to make him want to leave. We’ve been told for years that you need to have a big gun with a big bullet that can pierce through armor in order to defend your home. Who are you defending yourself against, Spetnaz? Let’s get real for a minute.

You need a car emergency kit!

Do you have a vehicle emergency kit? There are essential items that every vehicle should have on board at all times. Some of them are obvious and some not-so obvious. A good prepper doesn’t wait until something happens before he starts to make a plan. Do you have everything you’ll need when the unexpected strikes? […]

Prepping: 10 simple ideas on how to start

There is a lot of information out there now about being a prepper but if you’re new to prepping, what should you do first?

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