Emergency preparedness from a Counterintelligence Agent

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Pocket gold? Is this really the best choice?

What to stockpile for barter after SHTF One of the biggest questions preppers ask is if they should stockpile gold for trade / barter in case SHTF. Gold has been a traded commodity ever since it was discovered, and it’s what society runs to when their economy collapses. One of the problems is that it’s […]

How to make a prepper OPSEC plan

Learn how to make a plan that will protect the information an enemy would need about you

How to dress for OPSEC and protect yourself

Learn how and why you need to blend in with others so you’re not noticed

Should preppers have guns?

Choosing to have a gun or not to defend yourself is for some reason a controversial issue with some people. It really shouldn’t be. There are things you should do first though before you go and get one. I lay it all out in this article for you.

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