Emergency preparedness from a Counterintelligence Agent

Search Results for: bag

How much water should you be carrying in your bug out bag?

Water is one of the most critical resources you need to have with you to survive any situation, but just how much should you carry with you? I mentioned this a bit in my last article, How much gear should you put in your bug out bag? but I wanted to expand on this because it’s such an important topic.

How much gear can you really carry in your bug out bag?

One of the biggest questions I get is how much stuff you should carry in your pack. I’ve heard a lot of crap out there. This should clear things up a little.

Bug out Bag should NOT be an ammo cache!

I tell folks to strip away a lot of the accessories they have packed, including bulk ammunition. Inevitably, that causes a few raised eyebrows.

Almost unlimited power for your camping or bug out bag electronics

One bad thing about electronics: they need power. Things that supply power take up weight and space in your bug out bag. By choosing wisely, you can cut down on the size and weight of your power system and have almost unlimited power.

Choosing a bug out bag for your child

Having the wrong size bug out bag for a child, or even the right one if it’s not fitted properly, can damage your child’s shoulders or back. Not only that, but if they aren’t comfortable wearing it; they won’t. So you’ve gone through my popular post on what to pack in your bug out bagĀ and […]

My personal go bag contents

There are a lot of different things you can put on your bug out bag list and there’s not really one list of contents that you should follow. Each item in your kit will depend on your skill set and what you’re trying to prepare for. It’ll also change depending on your region, the season […]

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