Emergency preparedness from a Counterintelligence Agent

A great survival book to own: Where there is no doctor

Hesperian-cover-picture3-150x150Where There Is No Doctor: A village health care handbook is the definitive remote-area health book and a great prepper book for those who find themselves in remote areas, especially tropical areas, and has useful information for all regions. It was based on David Werner‘s experiences at his Project Piaxtla in western Mexico This is one of the few books I recommend to pack in your bugout bag. I always have a digital copy in mine.

I have a free pdf version you can download here


 Or you can buy the hardback version here:

About graywolfsurvival.com

I am a former federal agent and military veteran who has deployed to combat theaters in Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan and have almost three decades of military and military contracting experience.

My goal is to help families to understand how to intelligently protect their family and their way of life against real threats, without all the end-of-the-world doomsday crap.


  1. graywolfsurvival says

    Thanks Ben. It’s one that I always have but not the only one.

  2. Dude great advice site wide I spent 17 yrs military got hit by back to back ieds but still here. This site is great for those who have no idea on where to start. Great job!

  3. welcome home brothers from a Nam vet. Merry Christmas

  4. DPSource says

    Thank you so much for this information and the free ebook. The information contained in this book is definitely a must have for any prepper’s bug-out-bag. I will definitely buy the book now that I have seen what it contains.

    Doomsday Preppers Source

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