Emergency preparedness from a Counterintelligence Agent

Prepping supplies and gear

A good bit of what you need to know is about what prepping gear and supplies you should buy and which are the best. However, it's not just what kind of prepping gear to buy, but also how to use it. Even better is how to make things that will help your prepping with things that you can find around your house or in the nearby trash. This is what this category is all about - Prepping gear; how it's made, how it works, and how good it is.

Reader’s list – $1,000 bug out prepper shopping spree

Remember the other day when I said it would be a fun thought experiment to see what you would buy at Amazon if you had $1,00 to spend? Well, we have our first reader’s list – and it’s a good one. David Hausam did a great job with his list, so I’m going to list it here […]

10 ways how to start a fire without a lighter

You might not have a lighter or matches available when you need to start a fire. Here are 10 creative ways to start a fire without them.

What prepper gear would you buy if you had $1,000?

///UPDATE/// this contest is over. Please see Reader’s list – $1,000 bug out prepper shopping spree for the results. So I was going through all the really neat things out there for prepping and survival gear that I can’t afford and I had an idea. I’m not so good at finding all the things I want because […]

How to plan where to place survival caches

There are tons and tons of articles on the web about what you should cache, what they should go in, and how to place them. What I don’t see very often is much that explains how to plan and select cache sites and how to properly document them so the intended person can retrieve them. […]

My personal go bag contents

There are a lot of different things you can put on your bug out bag list and there’s not really one list of contents that you should follow. Each item in your kit will depend on your skill set and what you’re trying to prepare for. It’ll also change depending on your region, the season […]

Budget EDC kit

There are a lot of things that you could be carrying as part of your every day carry (EDC) gear. The problem is that you probably don’t have enough room to carry everything that you’d need in case of emergency. Getting some of these things can be pretty inexpensive if you just keep with the […]

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